


想像你(妳)正在工作時,店裡來了一位客人。他看中某一件商品,卻希望價格可以再便宜一點。你(妳)仔細計 算了成本,發現的確可以再算便宜一點,但不想降太多折扣,更不希望客人拂袖而去。完成一場買賣交易可分為3個階段,包括:1.了解原價;2.討價還 價;3.成交。店家務必要能洞悉顧客的購買心理,以循序漸進的方式進行減價,不讓自己血本無歸,也滿足客人的成就感。


第一階段-了解原價(Ask the Original Price)

The customer will first ask the salesperson what the original price for the item is. This is sometimes called the “list price” or, for cars, the “sticker price.”



The customer may offer a lower amount than the original price. Or he may ask the salesperson to bring the price down.


第三階段-成交(Reaching a Deal)

The salesperson may include a bonus item, or offer a lower price if the customer buys more. However, they won't always be able to reach a deal.



Tips 情境演練


情境1:An Expensive Shirt(昂貴的襯衫)

A:Hello, do you work here?(客人:哈囉,你在這上班嗎?)

B:Yes, I do. Can I help you with anything?(店家:是的,有什麼我可以為您服務的地方嗎?)

A:I like this shirt, but I think $900 is too much for it.(客人:我喜歡這件襯衫,但我覺得900元的標價太貴了。)

B:All right. I guess I can cut the price down to $750.(店家:好吧,我想我可以降價到750元。)

A:How about $600?(客人:算600元如何?)

B:I'm sorry, but I can't go that low.(店家:不好意思,不能再降了。)

A:All right, $750 then.(客人:好吧,那就750元吧。)

情境2:Buy Two, Save Money(第二件優惠)

A:Excuse me, how much is this hard drive?(客人:請問這顆硬碟多少錢?)

B:That one? It's our best model, and it's manufactured in South Korea. It is $3,000.(店家:那個嗎?這是我們目前最好的型號,是南韓製的,定價3,000元。)

A:Hmm, I'm not sure. That's pretty steep. I would buy it for $2,250, though.(客人:嗯,這樣啊。價錢有點貴。我只願意出 2,250 元。)

B:I'll tell you what. If you buy one for $3,000, I'll sell you a second one for $2250.(店家:那這樣子好了,如果你買一個3,000元,第二件就算你2,250元。)

A:We've got a deal!(客人:成交!)

情境3:Asking Too Much(過度殺價)

A:Hey, this is a nice painting. I'll pay you $300 for it.(客人:嗨,這幅畫不錯。我出300元買。)

B:I'm sorry, but the price for that painting is $1,500.(店家:不好意思,這幅畫的價錢是1,500元。)

A:$1,500? Why is it so expensive?(客人:1,500元?為什麼價錢這麼貴?)

B:It was painted by a famous French artist.(店家:因為這幅畫是由法國一位有名的畫家畫的。)

A:Is the price negotiable? Can you go any lower?(客人:價錢可以商量嗎?可以再降低一點嗎?)

B:The best I can do is $1,350.(店家:我最低只能給到1,350元。)

A:That's way too much. I can't afford that.(客人:太貴了,我買不起。)

B:I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe I can show you something cheaper. Come this way.(店家:很抱歉。也許我可以帶你看其他價錢較便宜的東西。請跟我來。)


Tips 常見的議價片語


1. That's a bargain.(價錢真便宜。)

2. That's a steal.(太便宜了,尤其是指價錢比預期低很多的時候。)

3. That's way too much. / That's too expensive. / That's pretty steep. / The price is too steep.(上述片語皆可用來表示「太貴了」。)

4. Can you give me a discount?(可以給我折扣嗎?)

5. Can you go any lower? / Can you cut the price down a bit? (你可以再算便宜一點嗎?)

6. Is the price flexible? / Is there any flexibility on the price?(還有議價的空間嗎?)

7. I can't go that low. / I can't go any lower than that.(我不能再降價了。/價錢不能再低了。)



1. Haggle (v.) / Bargain (v.) 議價、殺價;討價還價

解釋:When a customer and a salesperson discuss (or argue) over the price of a product, this is called haggling. Some stores allow the customer to haggle, but some do not. Haggling is sometimes called bargaining.(註:haggling 是名詞,haggle 為動詞;haggling 又可用 bargaining 這個字來替換。)

例句:The guy in that shop wanted $3,600 for this suit, but I haggled him down to $2,250.(那間店的店員賣我這套西裝3,600元,但我最後砍到2,250元。)

2. Negotiate (v.) 談判、協商、洽談

解釋:To negotiate means to discuss a situation with someone until you are both satisfied.

例句:You can't both get what you want without negotiating a little bit.(往往需要經過一番談判,才能達成雙方想要的結果。)

3. Get a deal. (id.) / Reach a deal. (id.) 成交;達成交易、協議

解釋:When a customer and a salesperson reach a price they can both accept, one may say,“you've got a deal.”

例句:We negotiated for over an hour, but we finally reached a deal. We're going to buy 10,000 units for $120 per unit.(我們協商超過1小時,終於成交了。我們會買10,000件,每件120元。)

4. Discount (n. / v.) 折扣;打折扣

解釋:A discount is a reduction in price. Sometimes you can ask for a discount, but other times you may need to bring a coupon, or visit a store on a particular day.

例句:Let's go to the bakery. It's after 7 p.m., so there's a 30 percent discount on all the items.(咱們去一下那間麵包店吧。已經過7點了,所以所有商品都打七折。)


5. Steep (adj.) 陡峭的、過高的、不合理的(價格等)

解釋:In the world of retail, a steep price means a high price.

例句:I can't afford to visit Hawaii in the summer, because the prices are too steep. So I'm going in the autumn instead.(夏天去夏威夷旅行的價格太貴了,我實在負擔不起。所以我打算秋天再去。)

6. Flexible (adj.) 靈活的、可變通的、彈性的

解釋:If something is flexible, it can bend without breaking. In shopping, a flexible price means it can go up or down.

例句:Prices for fruit are very flexible at this time of year. They go up and down depending on the harvest.(每年這時期的水果價錢會很有彈性。價錢會根據收成結果來決定高低。)


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