

2016-02-07 15:06


勇氣心法1 升遷(Promotion)

If you get a promotion, you move up in the company’s organization. Maybe you were just a basic worker before, but after the promotion, you are in charge of a small team of people. Or maybe you were already in charge of a small team, and after the promotion, you’re in charge of the whole office! There is also a verb form of this word, which is “promote.” If someone is promoted, they are moved to a higher position. The opposite of promotion is demotion – let’s try to avoid that if we can!

如果你獲得升遷,代表你在公司組織內獲得提拔。也許之前你只是位基層員工,但升遷後,你能管理一個小團隊;或者你原先管理一個小團隊,在升遷後你能管理整個辦公室! promotion的動詞為promote,如果我們說〝Someone is promoted.〞表示某人被升到更高的職位。而promotion的相反則為demotion,就是降職或降級的意思。當然,我們最好避免這個情況發生。

勇氣心法2 加薪(Raise)

Most of the time, but not all of the time, if you get a promotion, you may also get a raise. At some companies, everyone gets a small raise every year, even if they don’t get a promotion. If that happens automatically, great. But most of the time, if you want more money for the work you do, you will have to ask for it, and you’ll also have to explain why you feel you deserve it.


Tips 情境演練

情境1:Taking a Risk(勇於嘗試)

A:Hi, sir, can I speak to you for a moment?(長官好,方便跟您聊一下嗎?)

B:Sure, come on in. What do you want to discuss?(好啊,進來吧。你想聊什麼?)

A:Well, I heard that Mr. Jones has retired from the company. I guess you'll need a new manager for the team, and I wanted to throw my hat in the ring.(是這樣的,我聽說Jones先生從公司退休了。我認為團隊會需要一位新的經理,而我願意挑戰這份職務。)

B:I see. So you think you're ready for management?(我了解,所以你對這份管理職做足準備了嗎?)

A:Yes sir, I really do. I've worked for this company for five years, and I have forged great relationships with both my coworkers and our customers. (是的,我已經準備好了!我在公司工作了5年,已經和同事及顧客建立了良好的關係。)

B:But that's just the thing. If you become the manager of your team, you will need to make some hard decisions. You might even need to fire somebody someday. Do you think you can handle that?(嗯,不過這份職務不只這樣。如果你成為團隊經理,你將必須做一些困難的決定,甚至哪天還需要開除某些員工。你覺得你可以勝任嗎?)

A:If that was the case, I'd do whatever I could to help that employee turn his performance around. But if there was no option, yes, I would do it if it was best for the company.(如果遇到這樣的情況,我會盡全力幫員工改善他的績效;但如果別無選擇,那麼我會做出對公司最有利的決定。)

B:Good answer. Well, I can't tell you yes or no right now, but I'll certainly consider you for the position.(回答得不錯。雖然我現在無法給你明確的答覆,但你一定會在這職位的考慮名單中。)

A:I appreciate it, sir.(感謝您,長官。)

情境2:Dress for Success (穿著得體)

A:Mr. Baron, can I ask you a question?(Baron先生,可以請問您一件事嗎?)

B:OK, what's this about?(好啊,什麼事?)

A:Well, I really need a raise. Do you think that would be possible at this time?(嗯⋯⋯我實在需要加薪,您覺得這次可行嗎?)

B:Seriously, Alan? How can I give you a raise when you dress like that?(Alan你是認真的嗎?你穿成這個樣子,我怎麼幫你加薪?)

A:I don't know what you mean, sir.(長官,我不懂您的意思。)

B:Your clothes are always wrinkled, you never shave, and your hair is out of control. If I give you a raise, I'll be encouraging the other employees to dress like you.(你的衣服總是皺皺的,鬍子也不刮,頭髮也很糟糕。如果我幫你加薪,不就鼓勵其他員工穿得像你這樣嗎?)

A:I never thought about that.(我從來沒想過這點。)

B:You need to dress for success. Haven't you ever heard someone say, “Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want”?(你必須穿著得體。你沒聽過人家說:「穿著要依照你想要從事的工作而定,並非根據目前的工作來打扮」?)

A:I don't think so. But I take your point. Tomorrow, I'll be a new man!(我不這麼覺得,但我會遵從您的意見。明天開始,我將會煥然一新!)

B:That's a good attitude!(這態度就對了!)

情境3:A Lucky Day(幸運日)

A:Bob, would you step into my office for a second?(Bob,你可以來我辦公室一下嗎?)

B:Sure, Mr. Adams. What can I do for you?(好啊,Adams先生,有什麼我幫得上忙的地方嗎?)

A:Actually, I'm going to do something for you. I'm promoting you to head of the sales department.(事實上,是我要幫你個忙,就是把你升為業務部的主管。)

B:Wow! What an honor. Thank you so much! (哇!太榮幸了,真是太感謝您了!)

A:You can move into the big office at the end of the hall. And starting next month, your salary will be increased by 10 percent. (你可以搬進去走廊盡頭的大辦公室了。而且,下個月開始,你將會加薪百分之十。)

B:That's very generous. You can count on me, sir. I'm going to make sure sales are through the roof!(公司真是慷慨!長官您放心好了,我一定會讓銷售額一飛沖天的!)

A:Haha! Just do your best. You have my full support.(哈哈!全力以赴就好,我會全力支持你的!)

Tips 實用升遷及加薪片語


1.You can count on me.(你可以相信我/你可以放心交給我。)

2.You have my full support.(我全力支持你。)

3.What can I do for you?(有什麼我可以幫忙的嗎?)

4.That's a good attitude!(這態度就對了/就是這種態度!)

5.I really need a raise.(我真的很需要加薪。)

6.I feel I deserve a promotion.(我覺得我應該獲得升遷。)

7.I got a raise!(我加薪了!)

8.I got a promotion!(我升官了/我獲得升遷了!)

9.What an honor.(真是榮幸。)

0.I'm promoting you.(我要幫你升官/我要提拔你。)

Q.I'm giving you a raise.(我要幫你加薪。)


1. Promote (v.) / Promotion (n.) 晉升、升遷

解釋:To be moved up in a company. / An increase in responsibility and status in a company.

例句:Steve worked hard and eventually he was given a big promotion.(Steve工作認真,後來也得到大幅度的升遷。)

I was promoted last year, and now I make a lot more money.(我去年獲得升遷,所以我現在賺更多錢了。)

2. Raise (n.) 加薪

解釋:An increase in salary.

例句:The company made a lot of money this year, so I hope my boss will give me a raise in December.(公司今年賺了很多錢,我希望我的老闆在年底會幫我加薪。)

3. Throw one’s hat in the ring (id.) 欣然迎戰、迎接挑戰(主動接受或報名某項挑戰)

解釋:To volunteer for a position, or to ask to be considered for something.

例句:The team needed a new captain, so Darren threw his hat in the ring.(團隊需要新的領導者,所以Darren欣然接受這項挑戰。)

4. Forge (v.) 創造、製造、生產

解釋:To create or to make.

例句:With this deal, we're forging a new future for both our countries.(透過這項協議,我們能為彼此的國家創造新的未來。)

5. Through the roof (id.) 飛漲、激增

解釋:Extremely high.

例句:How can you afford that Porsche? The price is through the roof!(你怎麼買得起那台保時捷?它的價格高得嚇人!)


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