探訪布拉格Prague 如鑽石般美麗的歐洲古城
2016-03-10 14:29
布拉格(Prague)是捷克共和國(Czech Republic)的首都(capital),也是舊時波希米亞(Bohemia)的古都。它是歐洲最迷人的城市之一,有句俗話說,如果歐洲城市是條項鍊,布拉格就是珍珠之間的鑽石。以下文章就來帶你探訪美麗的布拉格吧!
Located in the heart of Central Europe, Prague was spared much of thedestruction of WWII. Consequently, many impressive structures survive there today. Standing at the highest point of the left bank of the Vltava, Prague Castle, the world’s largest, offers gorgeous views of the red-tiledroofs and golden towers below. The Charles Bridge, which connects Old Town with the Lesser Quarter, is a bustling, colorful place filled with musicians, painters and vendors.
Long a European cultural center, Prague is home to countless museums, galleries, concert halls and cinemas. For music lovers, attending a performance at the Estates Theater—where the premiere of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni was held in 1787—is a must. And lovers of literature won’t want to miss Franz Kafka’s house, which is now a museum. Born and raised in Prague, the famous author had this to say about his hometown: “Prague never lets you go—this dear little mother has sharp claws.”
長期為歐洲文化重鎮的布拉格,是無數博物館、美術館、音樂廳和戲院的所在地。音樂愛好者一定要去愛斯特劇院看場表演,那裡正是一七八七年莫札特歌劇《唐喬凡尼》首演之地。文學愛好者則不會想錯過現改為博物館的法蘭茲卡夫卡故居, 這位在布拉格出生、成長的知名作家曾這麼形容他的故鄉:「布拉格絕對不會放你走的,這位親愛小媽的爪子可利了。」
When it comes to transportation, Prague’s metro and tram system makegetting around easy. Prague is also very walkable, and self-guided walking tours are a great way to explore the city. Just download a user-friendly Use-It map, and you’re good to go. Now all you need to do is book a flight!
說到交通運輸,布拉格的地鐵和輕軌系統可以讓人輕鬆遊遍各地。布拉格也非常適合漫步,自助徒步旅遊是探索該城的好方法。只要下載便於使用的 Use-It 地圖,你就可以上路了。現在,你只需要訂機票就行囉!
spare (v.)(使)免於遭受⋯⋯
destruction (n.) 破壞,消滅
consequently (adv.) 必然地,結果
gorgeous (a.) 燦爛的,華麗的
tile (n.) 瓦,瓷磚
premiere (n.) 初次上演
must (n.) 必做的事,不可或缺的事物
literature (n.) 文學,文學作品
get around (phr.) 到處移動
walkable (a.) 適合步行的
download (v.)(電腦)下載
★ historical 和 historic 有何不同?
historical 純粹指「有關歷史的,基於史實的」,而 historic 則是「歷史上著名的、有重大意義的」。
● We went to see a historical play.
● The town is filled with historic buildings.
★ good to go 準備好了
想表達「準備就緒,做好準備」,除了最基本的 be ready for sth.,也可說 be good to go,尤指「準備好要出發前往某地」。
A: Are you all packed for the camping trip?
B: Yep. I'm good to go.