
3月17日全美慶祝聖派翠克節 大家都是愛爾蘭人!

2016-03-15 12:34



三月十七日是聖派翠克節(St. Patrick’s Day),不僅是愛爾蘭(Ireland)的國慶節,在美國、加拿大、英國、澳洲等國也會廣為慶祝。這個節日是為了紀念愛爾蘭的聖人聖派翠克(St. Patrick),他在西元一世紀將基督教傳入有「翡翠島」(the Emerald Isle)之稱的愛爾蘭。雖然聖派翠克節是宗教節日,不過即使不是天主教徒,也可以一同狂歡慶祝。就來一起看看美國各地如何慶祝聖派翠克節吧!


St. Patrick’s Day is a day to let loose and have fun. Revelers wear T-shirts and buttons that say “Kiss Me, I’m Irish!” even if they’re not. Leprechaun hats, shamrocks, and especially green clothing are also in order. In fact, if you are caught not wearing green, you may get a little pinch! Many cities hold huge, bustling St. Patrick’s Day parades, and afterwards, everyone heads to the pub to drink green-colored beer and sing along to their favorite Irish folk songs. Not surprisingly, the festivities can last all night.

聖派翠克節是縱情歡樂的一天。尋歡作樂的人會穿戴印有「吻我吧,我是愛爾蘭人!」的 T恤和徽章,即使他們根本不是。妖精帽、酢漿草都是應景之物,綠色衣服更是不可或缺。事實上,如果被逮到沒穿綠色,你可能會被人捏一把!(編註:為了讓身上有綠色的瘀青)許多城市會舉辦盛大熱鬧的聖派翠克節遊行,遊行完畢,大家都會上酒吧暢飲綠色啤酒,一邊跟唱他們最喜愛的愛爾蘭民謠。想當然耳,這些慶祝活動有可能徹夜狂歡。


St. Patrick’s Day is so popular that certain cities take things one step further. Since 1962, Chicago has dyed its river green on March 17. And the city of Savannah, Georgia also puts green dye in its fountains. In Seattle, a long green stripe is painted on the downtown streets to prepare for the big parade. So this March 17, get your green on, go out, and celebrate the best holiday of the year!





in order (phr.) 適當的

pinch (n.) 捏

bustling (a.) 熙攘的,繁忙的

dye (v.) 染色

stripe (n.) 條紋




★ let loose 盡情玩樂

loose 的字尾發音是 [s],這個字的意思是「鬆動的,不嚴密的」,在此指人好好放輕鬆、盡情地玩樂。

A: We finally finished all of our exams.


B: Let’s go out and let loose tonight. We deserve it!


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